Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Monday Oh Monday

     Monday only comes once a week, and I've decided that there is a good reason for that.  Even for the most positive people, myself included, Monday can be just downright hard.  If there's one day when anything and everything can go wrong it's usually Monday.  I wonder sometimes if it's just a problem of perspective.  Here comes the back to work day after we've had fun and relaxed all weekend.  We aren't ready to field the curve balls that come our way as we begin a new work week, and by the end of the day we are crying "Only four more days until Friday!"  I think everyone strives for peace and routine in their work and school life.  We like things to go smoothly, and when it doesn't it throws us all off kilter.  We panic, we get anxious and before we know it our emotions take over and we are reduced to a "puddle of our former solid selves." 
     For years, I dreaded Monday.  It was one of our busiest most chaotic days at work.  Whatever trainwreck had occured over the weekend was usually returned on Monday usually either first thing in the morning or as we were all planning to leave for the day.  Never mind that we had our usual schedule to keep.  I don't dread Monday much anymore because I decided that I was giving too much power and energy to things that were beyond my control.  I feel funny telling people that because I think there is so much emotion wrapped up in that kind of thing that it is just off-putting and flippant. 
      This was very much the case yesterday in my own home.  I am always happy to get home to my little family.  I always try to walk in the door with a happy heart.  I look forward to changing and getting to work in my sanctuary known as my kitchen.  I can oversee homework from there, I can listen to Delilah on the radio and for me it's a place of peace and happiness.  My little dog usually curls up in her little bed and I feel like I have all I need.  Well, last night, that was not quite the case.  I walked in to a maelstrom last night.  The dog was "vibrating." The child was spinning and the TV was on full blast.  What the heck?  My daughter was in a tizzy.  She had again forgotten a book she needed for homeowork.  She had lost her pencil case with her id and some other important things in it, and there was some crazy thing about a chain letter that was coming true by the second.  No matter what I did or said, it wasn't the right thing.  Before too long we were in the eye of the storm.  Calm for the moment but not quite over.  I retreated to my kitchen during this time and decided to ride out the storm.  When it was over I knew that thankfully Tuesday was coming.
     The solution to Monday was found this time in a mother's instinct for comfort.  The promise of help, a steaming bowl of ramen, and a trip to the hot tub in the pouring down rain.  As I tucked my daughter in to bed last night I turned on her "sleepy music" and kissed her on her little head.  I congratulated her and told her that Monday was over for another week and that even though it was hard she survived.  Also that it's ok to be upset and frustrated, but that we have to take heart in the fact that we have each other to rely on, on even the ugliest of days.  I hope she is having a better Tuesday and that everyone else who had a rotten Monday is too.  Cheers!

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