Monday, April 2, 2012

A Purpose Driven Path

     Back in the fall I began an incredible spiritual journey.  I wanted to know what my purpose in this life was.  When I started this journey I felt spiritually empty.  Don't get me wrong, I had a crazy good job.  One I had prayed for for years.  It was a divine gift to help me begin a better life for my little family and myself.  At the time I felt like I wanted to know more.  I wanted the rest of the story.  God has always been present in my life.  He has been willing to answer my prayers in His time, and He certainly has grabbed me from the brink of disaster on more than one occasion.  I thought it was time I quit being so selfish and start to return all the kindnesses that the Lord had sent my way.  I was living the life of a "taker" and I longed to be a "giver."  For about two months I took my time and worked my way through The Purpose Driven Life, by Rev. Rick Warren.  I also read One Simple Act by Debbie Macomber at the same time.  The two seemed to go together really well.  I began to see a clear path for my life.  My attitude and countenance changed and it made all the difference.
      Shortly after Christmas another wonderful opportunity was passed my way, and I took full advantage of it.  I knew I wanted to take a mission trip someplace, but I wasn't sure how it would all play out.  I stumbled upon an organization called Point Hope.  They are a voice for forgotten children both in this country and in Ghana West Africa.  It's founder is nationally syndicated radio personality Delilah - the Queen of Sappy Love Songs.  Turns out, their headquarters are local to me - sort of.  Bremerton, WA about an hour west of Seattle as the crow flies.  Anyhow, after a few emails I decided to take Kaysie and pay them a visit.  I wanted to volunteer and ask questions about Africa and working on a volunteer basis here.  They have a wonderful event called Teenista where they pamper teenage girls in foster care for a day.  They encourage them, love on them and hold them up.  They want the girls to know they are not defined by their circumstances.  I tried to volunteer for their event last Christmas, but I couldn't get off of work.  This year, some of my friends and I are hosting one here in Portland and the folks at Point Hope are so excited as am I.
      After several conversations and some pretty cool twists of fate I'm traveling to Ghana in October with these good folks for a medical mission trip.  There's an MD general practitioner going at the same time.  Looks like we'll be a team.  To me this is so exciting!  I know once I go I'll want to go back again and again.  It's been life changing all ready and I haven't even left the west coast yet.  I've been a nurse for 17 years this June.  16 of those years I spent in the operating room, preparing for this very time of my life.  Most people say that they never get to do the things they've dreamed of their whole life.  I decided to be a do-er and a giver at the same time.    My grand plan (and I'm pretty sure it's God's too) for the rest of my years working and probably into retirement is to use my skills as a nurse however I can.  I want the forgotten children of this world to know that they are loved by somebody, and their circumstances do NOT define who they are.
     I would encourage any one who reads my blog to pick up the book The Purpose Driven Life and read it.  When you are done think about it, pray about what you've read and figure out what path your life should take.  Our time here on this earth is short, and as my dad says, "you only go around once in this life so you better make the most of it."   I received an incredible gift a few weeks ago.  I got a glimpse of the puzzle pieces of my life and how they all fit perfectly together.  It was like watching a movie.  I had a hard time for a couple of days wrapping my brain around it all, but what came out of it all  was that I was on the right path and that I needed to continue moving forward.  I know changes are on the horizon for my life, and I couldn't be happier.  I hope all of you someday know that same feeling of terrifying excitement as you step out into the perfect plan of your life and living your dreams.  Don't wait or put it off any longer! Step out in faith THIS week.  What are you waiting for?  The world is waiting.

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