Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Fresh Start

As many of you know I'm making a fresh start next week, and starting a new job in a very different area of nursing.  I'm going from being a "hands on nurse" to being "A Money Girl."  I'll be reviewing our new electronic patient records and making sure that the charges are accurate as well as the peri-operative information.  I tell people it's my way of "untangling the healthcare debacle one 'star fish' at a time."  (If you don't know the starfish story Google it - it's worth reading and very 'Half Full Glass' )  Anyhow, I decided that maybe it might be time to re-examine my own finances and make a fresh start there as well.  There is only one person for that job and that would be  Suze Orman.  She is a genius, and has never let me down.  Even though from time to time I have fallen off the "Suze Wagon," she always lets me climb back on, and helps me to get back to the falling off point only to move forward again.

I downloaded her new book today The Money Class: Learn to Achieve the New American Dream.  So far it is good.  She has lots of tools available to the reader through her website SuzeOrman.com. Today  I looked at my finances - expenses v. assets.  I went to the website and used the expense tracker tool. I learned about my finances.  The snapshot was a bit scary but not impossible to fix.  This last month has been a little hard, but things are on the upswing and by the summer I'll be looking better.  I'm getting a grip on what is wrong and I'm going to fix it.  In the first class Suze says "you need to be able to stand tall in your truth about your finances and then you can go on from there."   As usual, she's right.  I've been through enough therapy to know that is a fact.  Without truth you are blind and it keeps you from a lot of joy.

A fresh start is a good thing.  It gives us hope for the future of ourselves.  We all need that from time to time.  If you can stand tall in your own personal truth, what ever that may be, it will make your fresh start even better.  Dig around in your life.  Take the time to find your truth, stand tall in it and give yourself a fresh start.  It's a gift that doesn't cost much and can be very beneficial for everyone in your life, but most especially yourself!  Cheers.

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