Friday, February 17, 2012

Random Acts of Kindess

     Today, I learned, is Random Acts of Kindness Day.  How cool is that?  A day dedicated to blessing others.  I made a conscious decision at the beginning of this year that I was going to do more good in this world.  I am at a point in my life where I can do that.  I want to use what I have learned over the years in my career and my life to leave a legacy of kindness and good works for others to benefit from.  I am performing my random acts of kindness one at a time.  Not all of them are being done today.  My list is long so that would be impossible.  So far, I've accomplished one - you have to start someplace, right?  Some are big and some are small, but I am hoping that when I leave this earth, my footprints will be all over the place and the people that know me will be able to see what I have done.
     As for today, Random Acts of Kindness day, did you do anything for someone else?  It could have been as simple as high-fiving a co-worker or loaning someone a few cents in the lunch line.  Those things might seem small, but it all counts.  The people that you gave your kindness to won't forget, in fact, my guess is that they might be inspired to "pay it forward," and bless someone else.  That is the beauty of blessing others.  Many times it keeps on going.
      I remember when I was living in Baltimore many years ago, there was a young gal about my age in the grocery line a head of me.  She had a baby on her hip and a toddler in the cart and she didn't have enough money to pay for her groceries.  She and the checker were trying to sort through  her things and decide what she could pay for and what she had to put back.  It made me feel badly for this young mother.  I only had a few things in my basket, but I had just received my tax refund check.  I very quietly walked up to this lady and said, "I'd like to help you pay for your groceries.  I got my tax check today and I have a little bit of extra money.  Someday when things are a little better for you, you might find yourself in my position, with a few extra dollars and you can help someone else out."  I'll never forget the look on her face.  She didn't know what to say or do and before she could I paid for the whole lot of it and left without another word.  It felt so good to help that young mother out.  I knew her kids had food to eat, and I knew deep down in my heart that she would pay it forward someday.
     I would like to challenge all of you to bless someone else in some way.  Go big or small. It doesn't matter, as long as you do it with love your heart. That's all that counts.  When you clean out your closets take what doesn't fit or you don't want anymore to Good Will or the Salvation Army.  Take a bag of dog or cat food to your local animal shelter, volunteer your time at a nursing home.  It doesn't matter what you do as long as you do it with a happy heart.  Even sticking a few coins in an expired parking meter counts.  Figure out what you can do and do it.  You'll be glad you did.  Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day, and Happy Friday!  Peace.

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