This has been a hard week. One more day and then it will be over. The universe has not been a happy place this week, but we trudged onward, because as humans that's what we do. Some people give up and surrender to whatever is dragging them down, they wallow in self pity and are swallowed up by despair. That's dangerous. Then there are others who keep on going. Did you ever see the movie "Finding Nemo?" There was a little fish in that movie named Dorie. Dorie couldn't remember squat. Throughout that whole movie she could never remember Nemo's name. She called him Fabio, Chico, and a few other O kind of names. Even though she couldn't remember his name, she didn't let it get her down. Nemo's dad Marlin was a little sad-sack fish. He never wanted to take a chance and at one point he was ready to give up, but Dorie sang him a little song. "Just keep swimmin', Just keep swimmin', Just keep swimmin', swimmin'! What do we do when we want to quit? Just keep swimmin'. "
I think Dorie had the right idea. When the going gets tough, we need to just keep swimmin'. Wallowing in self pity and giving up, should not be an option. Neither choice does you any good. Mostly it makes the situation worse. When you feel like giving up don't. Dig deep, pull out your floaties, put on your ring, get out your mask and your flippers and just keep swimmin'! Pretty soon, I think you'll find that you won't need those floaties any more. Then you won't need the ring. The dog paddle will be replaced by a beautiful free-style. Cutting through the water with the elegance of an olympic swimmer. When you get to where you were headed, you can look behind you and see where you came from and what you swam through. The view will be amazing!
So for all of you out there who are have a rough time. Be like Dorie and just keep swimmin'. You will be so glad you did. Take what you need, and lighten your load along the way. When you reach your goal or destination turn around and enjoy the amazing view! Peace.
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