Thursday, May 3, 2012

Donate a Day's Salary Day

     At the hospital where I work our Spiritual Care department puts out a monthly calendar of interesting information.  This month there were several interesting entries.  One of them in particular caught my eye.  Next Wednesday, May 9th is "Donate a Day's Salary Day."  What better way to show concern and love for others than giving a day's wages to your favorite charity?  I think you could probably accomplish this another way if you don't think that you could really afford to donate the actual money.  If you have some extra vacation time why not take the day off and donate your time by volunteering for your favorite charity.  God calls us all to do for those who are less fortunate in some way.
     I talk a lot about an organization called Point Hope.  They do incredible things for children that have no voice both in this country and in Ghana, West Africa. (They remind me of The Little Engine that Could - they are a small organization with a big heart and the determination to do good in the world) In the United states their focus is on kids who are in our very broken foster care system.  Events like "Teenista" for teenage girls - a day of pampering and encouragement - to show them that they are not defined by their situation.  A few hours that's all about them.  Helping them to be confident and feel empowered.  I am involved in preparing to host this very event here in Portland.  In Ghana, West Africa the needs are many.  Nutrition services, clean water pumping stations, Point Hope Village - a community of Liberian refugees that have decided to stay in Ghana and begin a new life through farming, small start up businesses, and education.  Sammy's Place - a home being built for orphaned children who are critically or terminally ill.  A place where they can get much needed medical care and be loved. They also assist a Buruli Ulcer clinic with bandages and many other needed medical supplies and equipment.  (Buruli Ulcer disease is a very common tropical disease caused by the same bacteria that causes leprosy - when left untreated it can be devastating).  With any luck, I will be able to write to you first hand from Africa this fall and let you know what all is being accomplished!  I could go on and on about all their good work.
      Two more of my favorite organizations are Feed the Children and World Vision.  Both of these organizations are also focused on assisting children both in the United States and abroad.  I know that Feed the Children in particular, has been working very hard this winter to help American families feed their children during the lean winter months, and spring break.  Hunger in this country is a growing problem.  Kids are particularly vulnerable to this epidemic.   World Vision has long been a voice for kids around the world.  Through their child sponsorship programs they provide, food, education and a chance for a better life for children around the world.  What I know about all three of these very worthy causes is that their administrative costs are low and that your donations are used directly for the programs that they offer.
       I know we all have a choice next Wednesday on Donate a Day's Salary Day.  Won't you consider either a donation of a day's wages or your time for a cause that you believe in?  When you bless others it is returned to you a thousand fold.

All three of the above mentioned organizations are on facebook and can be found at the following web addresses:

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