Friday, May 4, 2012

Growing Up

     Growing up is a tough business I've decided.  Goodness knows I had my share of ups and downs in that department.  My daughter, however, is doing a great job at it.  Kaysie has struggled with shyness her whole life.  When she was a little tiny girl, she would hide behind my legs when people would try to speak to her, unable to say anything or really even look at them.  Me on the other hand, not so much.  I knew everybody, and would talk to anybody who stood still long enough to listen.  My mom tells stories of sending me to the corner store for a loaf of bread, and I'd come home armed with not only bread but a bag bursting with penny candy that some random person, that I had charmed the socks off of, had purchased for me.  For my mom it was a little bit funny and totally frightening at the same time.  I think she worried I would be wooed away, which even back in those days, was a pretty terrifying reality.  Not Miss Kaysie.  Nope.  Pretty as a picture, and shy as the day is long.  I used to think that she'd be in high school still hiding behind me paralyzed with shyness every time someone spoke to her. But then she went to first grade, and her teacher, Ann Nordstrom took care of that.  My beautiful shy daughter went in to second grade confident,  and sure of herself.  She'd speak when spoken to and the shyness that had gripped her for so long was peeling away little by little.
     As she's grown older,  I have watched Kaysie blossom like the beautiful flower I know she is.  Her martial arts training over the last two years has just about taken care of the remainder of her shyness.  It has given her the confidence to move into her middle school years a totally new person.  Just today she wasn't quite up for the breakfast that was prepared for her, so she called me wanting suggestions.  I told her to take some money and walk over to our neighborhood Starbucks and have a fancy hot chocolate and one of their yummy breakfast sandwiches.  This suggestion came with a tiny little push back that tells me that in certain situations the shyness monster still exists, but her desire for a little independence and a yummy breakfast won out.  There are certain times that I wish I could be a spectator to the unfolding events, and today was one of those days.  She went in and placed her order, ate her breakfast and I'm hoping managed to at least look over her latin stems that she was going to be quizzed on later in the morning.  I got a couple of phone calls with updates, so I could only imagine how things were unfolding.
      As a parent, I try to give her experiences that will benefit her when she is grown and on her own.  This was one of those experiences.  To be able to take charge of nourishing yourself with a meal of your choosing, in an unfamiliar setting, and still managing to make an appointment on time (this time it was getting to school on time) is a priceless lesson.  To my darling Kaysie I would say, "Sis, you did great!" To Mrs. Nordstromm and Master Clark, I say thank you!  Thank you for your encouragement and patience and lessons in speaking up and learning to be confident.  Yes, growing up is a tough business, but when you have people in your corner helping you along the way it doesn't have to be!  Happy Friday and Happy Weekend!

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