Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy Anniversary - A Toast to the Half Full Glass

Tomorrow, May 25th marks the first Anniversary of my blog.  So with a flute half full of sparkling cider I   raise my glass and say "Cheers"!  (Which is how I ended my blog for the first six months or so.)  It's been a very exciting year.  Through writing my blog I reawakened a desire to write, and write I did.  There were many nights that I sat at my computer and thought "How in the world am I going to put a positive spin on things after the day I've had?" but I did.  It was an exercise in refocusing a negative into a positive and it was good for me.  I think it can be so easy to get so mired down in defeat and negativity, because the world tends to be a little bleak these days.  When I notice that I'm headed down that road now, I think about Anne Frank.  Even in her desperate situation, she always tried to see the good in everyone, even those who were hunting her people down.  Every picture you ever see of her she is smiling.  Amazing.

When I began my blog I was getting ready to leap into the unknown. I was leaving clinical nursing behind for an administrative position.  I loved the operating room, it was, and still is a very big part of who I am.  It satisfied the "gadget girl" in me, and kept my attention deficit disorder in check.  I have new skills for coping with that, but the "gadget girl" remains. A year later new adventures await including a mission trip to Africa to really put some old skills to the test.  I am ready and accept that calling with a willing heart and oh so much excitement!  I never would have thought that just shifting gears in my life would lead to such great things.

I have written about many things and all kinds of people, and have really tried to keep it on the positive side.  There were a couple of blogs that were a little on the sad side, but the subjects just couldn't be spun around.  That's ok.  It can't be all sunshine and roses all the time - ok most of the time, but you have to have a few rainy days to grow a beautiful garden, and the flowers that have sprung from those rainy days not so long ago are just gorgeous.

I have also tried to use my blog as a platform for some of my favorite charities and foundations.  Volunteer work is wonderful for the spirit.  It makes you feel good right down to the core of your being to do something good for other people.  I can't think of a more positive way to make yourself feel better.  I know when I am volunteering and doing things that I know will enrich a child's life or somehow make life better for someone in need, it will put a smile on my face every time.  We are so fortunate in the United States, and we take so much for granted.  It's just good for the soul to do for others every now and then.

Finally, I would like to thank you to the "Fantastic Five."  You know who you are.  My first five followers.  They have been so faithful to me and encouraged me in my little adventure.  I was so excited when I got my first international reader - a very nice lady from Australia.  Your kind words over this year have meant the world to me.  I know I've been a little quiet lately, but that will be changing, because I still have a lot to write about.  Thank you also, to all of my facebook and twitter followers as well.  I love hearing from you.  I'm looking forward to this next year and all that is coming up.  My glass, even after a year, and through many ups and downs, is still half full and I really hope it stays that way!  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. "Volunteer work is wonderful for the spirit. It makes you feel good right down to the core of your being to do something good for other people."

    Well said. Congrats on one year!

