Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Velvet Voice in the Night

It's a fact, I don't sleep much. I've been doing better, but honestly I think half the time I have too much on my mind. My mind races some nights and no matter how hard I try, some nights are just plain sleepless. Enter iHeart Radio. I love that app. It's my favorite one. I can find any kind of music any time of day. A few years ago I became a loyal listener of Delilah. She used to be on K103 in Portland in the evening. But about a year ago programming changed and they pulled her show. I was very sad. However, a few months ago I found her again on iHeart Radio. My nights were saved again.
If you aren't familiar with her, Delilah, is the number one radio personality in evening radio. She's the self-proclaimed "Queen of Sappy Love Songs." I've been told, that's what she has on her business cards. Delilah has been on the radio since she was a teenager in Reedsport, OR, and you can just tell that she's a woman who loves her job. She blends great music with stories and live callers, and I have to say, most nights it makes for interesting radio. She's a soothing spirit for those in love, broken by love, or love reunited. There's also the grateful caller who wants to celebrate a best friend or the awkward teenager looking for some motherly advice. That's a tall order for one lady.
Let me tell you something, she can handle it. She's a single mother to 12 children! Three of her own children and 9 adopted children. Delilah also is a woman of strong faith, and she's not afraid to share that either. In her spare time she's an avid gardener, and she also has a non-profit organization called Point Hope whose focus is on refugees in Gahana, West Africa, as well as foster children in this country. I'm not certain, but I don't think she sleeps much either. I've heard her talk about her kids, and some have some medical issues that require constant attention. I mentioned her faith, and I'm pretty certain that gets her through a lot and is a constant source of strength.
I want to meet Delilah some day. As near as I can figure I'd need probably about an half hour of her time to ask her all the questions I have. The time it would take to linger over a latte at Starbucks. I'd want to know how she does it all, and still stay sane. Although I think I can probably figure out the answer on my own, I'd still like to hear it from her. I do know she broadcasts her radio show from her home. She has a studio in her basement that she calls her sanctuary. I guess someone with seven children still at home needs a place to escape to every now and then. I almost feel sheepish to admit that I get overwhelmed as a single mother of one, but after this vacation, that's going to change. Ghandi said "You have to be the change you wish to see in the world." I think that Delilah has taken that quote to her heart and she is changing this world for the better every single day. I hope that I can find the same passion for my life that she has for hers, and that when I'm through the world is a better place.
Have a listen sometime, and know that Delilah is more than just a velvet voice in the night she's the change in the world that Ghandi talked about. Cheers!

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